Social Service Programme
Our MES’ Pillai College of Education and Research carried out the social service activity by enrolling itself to the Department of Adult and Continuing Education and Extension, University of Mumbai. For the entire activity two teacher educators were the in charge and four students managers had been selected to assist them.
Out of seven activities, two activities had been taken up such as Population Education Club (PEC) and Information Technology Project (ITP). All the teacher trainees completed 120 hours of extension service at college level as well as community level.
At the college level seven activities were conducted such as seminar (Environmental pollution), street play (Noise pollution), essay (Women achievers of modern India) etc. At the community level teacher trainees delivered seven lessons on different social issues in several schools.
As the part of the Extension activity all the teacher trainees along with the extension teachers participated in Udaan festival organized by Department of Adult and Continuing Education and extension, University of Mumbai at Comprehensive College of Education and Research, Chembur. Our college won the best skit and best poster award.