“To promote purposive education through globalization of mind and society and using education for value transmission in order to enable the student teacher to perform effectively different roles as a teacher in the present society.”
“To foster positive attitudes and ideals to be socially responsible and competent teacher with individual identities in order to enable the student teachers to translate great ideas into good actions”.
- To prepare the Student teachers to perform effectively different roles expected in changing global Scenario.
- To empower Student teachers with competencies required for professional growth.
- To develop attitude of Professionalism by inculcating Dedication, Commitment, Accountability and Professional Ethics.
- To foster virtues like Sincerity, Sympathy, Gentleness, Modesty, Humility, Compassion, Courtesy, Co-Operation, Fair play, Self Esteem Self-Control and Truthfulness.
- To develop Sensitivity towards Society related issues and concerns.
- To encourage student teachers to apply the knowledge creatively to relevant situation.
- To develop Leadership Competencies to plan, organize and conduct various Educational activities.
- To prepare humane professionals by enhancement of the heart and soul.
- To develop an appreciation of the role of the teachers in the prevailing socio – cultural and political context in educational system.
- To provide avenues to the Student teachers for exchanging ideas, raising issues and discussing themes and problems.
- To create environmental consciousness and concern among the student teachers.